My rules

  • Credit cards are not accepted. Please prepare cash in the right currency. Highly appreciated if you have the exact amount of money.
  • There are services included in the price and extra services. Please check what is offered to avoid any misunderstanding during the meeting.
  • Advanced booking is welcome. The sooner you make booking the bigger chance is to be available. The minimum advanced booking time is 2 hours before the meeting.
  • Make contact directly by mobile phone, no texting. Be polite and don't ask too many questions. All relevant info is on the website.
  • Before the meeting please make sure you are freshly showered, good breath, smell nice, etc...Please be a gentleman. This will be appreciated and generously rewarded.
  • The Donations are not negotiable so do not ask. Travel costs will be included in the out of area outcall price.

BEWARE, ADULT CONTENT.... IT IS MY STEADFAST OPINION THAT THE WELFARE OF YOUR CHILDREN IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY, NOT MINE.... Just as you are responsible for preventing your children from having access to other potentially harmful or deadly things in your home such as chemicals, weapons, electric shock, drowning, and/or other hazardous situations, so you are responsible for monitoring where your children go on the internet. If your children surf to my website, it is your lack of parenting, not my lack of diligence that is ultimately responsible for their possible endangerment. In other words, WATCH YOUR KIDS, OR FOR CRIPE'S SAKE DON'T LET THEM ON THE INTERNET!